Friday, May 1, 2009


It might have been the recession. Still, people shops around. Like they don't care, so am I. heh.
The store has been slow for the past few days, even our computer registers. I just got off from work and having difficult to understand the words my co workers were saying. As well for the water guy seller that just came offering to sell water outside the unit of our condo.

Happy does not want to take me to the gym yet. Until my doctor says I'm 'ok' then that's the signal for me to go back again. And will wait for that until monday for the clinic to be open. Yeah, it sucks big time having to miss gym, well, for me, it's like I have gotten used to going at least 4 times a week, and now missing 2days of my 4x. Bah... I applied my online/temporary discount card, hopefully it's a valid one.

I had a check up last Thursday, the doctor said to try a anti-allergies pills (Claritin D) google it if you are curious. I still don't care, I don't think I have an alergy/gies,but yeah, that was the doctor said, blah blah blah... EKG was done, 57BPM apparently. Being an issue. Now I've got the referral from her too *my left leg is having cramps right now argh* to go to cardiologist...

Dx - Sinus Bradycardia

what my EKG result what it looks like.


Your heart normally beats between 60 and 100 times a minute to provide enough oxygen-carrying blood to your body. A heart rate below 60 beats a minute is called bradycardia.

Although a heart rate this slow can be normal during sleep or in a well-trained athlete, bradycardia signals a problem if you have signs and symptoms such as fainting or shortness of breath.

- probably the red word made me go something like that in order for the doctor to get the slowness beating of my heart.

I just don't get it. I am blogging this one. My oldest sister told Happy to not to take me to gym bah.. But I said to Happy to still take me and she wouldn't.. That's prolly the reason I blogged this one.

Now will wait on Monday to have me check and see what will happens.

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